PIV is Particle Image Velocimetry and also named Particle Image Velocimetry Method, it was developed in the end of seventy’s, is a transient, multi-point, non-contact speed measuring method of fluid mechanics. It’s developing and perfecting in recent decades. the characteristics of the PIV technology is beyond the limitations of single point velocimetry (LDA), can record a lot of space point information on the velocity distribution in the same transient, and provide a rich space structure and flow characteristics of flow field.
PIV technology except to spread the tracer particles in flow field, all measuring equipment is not involved in the flow field. Moreover PIV technology has high measuring accuracy. Due to the advantages of PIV technology, it has become the hot topic in the study of fluid mechanics measurement, thus increasingly get attention. PIV velocity measuring method has a variety of categories, no matter what form of PIV, the velocity measurement is dependent on the spreading tracer particles in the flow field, PIV measured indirectly the transient speed distribution by tracer particles within a very short time interval in the flow field. If the tracer particles have a high follow trace ability, then the tracer particle movement can truly reflect the motion state of the flow field. So the tracer particles are very important for PIV measuring.
The PIV laser from JOYEE adopted the dual laser system which has the compact and stable structure. It’s ideally suited for most liquid and many air-based 2D/3D PIV experiments, such as wind funnel, water tunnel. Micro-fluid measurement and spray or flame research, and its small size provides excellent flexibility in setting-up such experiments.